About drogerieshop24
We are a family business with 75 years of experience in the field of phytotherapy. Centuries-old knowledge meets modern, scientific knowledge to use the power of plants for your health.Our unique natural remedies are produced both according to traditional recipes, as well as according to the latest findings in our own laboratory.
We produce remedies and food supplements with top active ingredients and use the healing power of nature. For a healthy skin we produce gentle products for face and body care. Our fine muesli, dried fruits and nuts pamper every palate and come from organic cultivation whenever possible.
Would you like to do without unnecessary chemicals and have full control over what you let onto your skin? Maybe you've always wanted to make your own organic household cleaners? We'll show you how!
Find everything you need in these hectic times:
Rest, relaxation, intact nature, unpolluted foods and the most precious natural remedies. Visit us or have the popular health remedies delivered to you by mail.
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