Outlets Murgenthal
About Outlets Murgenthal
The Outlets shopping centre in Murgenthal offers 11 outlet stores. Switzerland's first outlet centre opened here, in the historic Hanro factory, in 1996. Today, seven major retailers share the light-flooded, 10,000 m2 factory halls. Here, from jeans, streetwear, shoes, workwear to fashion and trendy sporting goods, bags, luggage, home textiles and household goods, brand-name items are offered at discounts ranging from 30% to 90%.While many outlets have evolved into swanky shopping palaces with hefty prices, Retailer Outlets Murgenthal has remained true to its origins as an antimall for irregular pieces, returns and end-of-season fashion. This is where price-conscious value shoppers shop ever better and ever cheaper. So in the true sense of the words, the Outlets Murgenthal are The Real Deal.™
On this map you can see the exact location of the shopping center Outlets Murgenthal on Hauptstrasse 81 in 4853 Murgenthal. Please contact the mall directly if you have general questions about the mall or its opening hours.
Hauptstrasse 81, 4853 Murgenthal
Stores in and around the shopping center Outlets Murgenthal
These stores are located in and around Shopping Center Outlets Murgenthal. Browse this list of all stores and shops close to Shopping Mall Murgenthal. To find all stores located directly in Shopping Center Outlets Murgenthal, please visit the Shopping Mall Outlets Murgenthal website above.
Other shopping malls near the shopping center Outlets Murgenthal
Not the right shopping center? Here we show you other shopping centers that are close to Shopping Mall Outlets Murgenthal. Browse our list of other shopping centers to find the one that suits you best near Murgenthal.
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