Zentrum Waldegg

Zentrum Waldegg
Zürcherstrasse 2–6
Call us for questions about the shopping center Zentrum Waldegg. For questions about a store located in our mall, please contact the store directly.

About Zentrum Waldegg

In the Waldegg Centre you will find everything for everyday use. Stop by, we look forward to seeing you. Relaxed shopping In the center Waldegg, 40 shops and restaurants are waiting for you.

Direction by car from Zurich Triemli: At the intersection Birmensdorferstrasse / Zürcherstrasse turn right, after about 50 meters turn right again into Zentrum Waldegg.

By car from Birmensdorf: At the junction Birmensdorferstrasse / Zürcherstrass turn left into Zürcherstrasse and immediately right into Zentrum Waldegg.

The numerous parking spaces are signposted when approaching from all directions. They are available from 08:00 to 21:00 hrs.


On this map you can see the exact location of the shopping center Zentrum Waldegg on Zürcherstrasse 2–6 in 8142 Uitikon Waldegg. Please contact the mall directly if you have general questions about the mall or its opening hours.

Zürcherstrasse 2–6, 8142 Uitikon Waldegg

Stores in and around the shopping center Zentrum Waldegg

These stores are located in and around Shopping Center Zentrum Waldegg. Browse this list of all stores and shops close to Shopping Mall Uitikon Waldegg. To find all stores located directly in Shopping Center Zentrum Waldegg, please visit the Shopping Mall Zentrum Waldegg website above.

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Other shopping malls near the shopping center Zentrum Waldegg

Not the right shopping center? Here we show you other shopping centers that are close to Shopping Mall Zentrum Waldegg. Browse our list of other shopping centers to find the one that suits you best near Uitikon Waldegg.

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The entry "Zentrum Waldegg, 8142 Uitikon Waldegg" was last updated on 5. November 2023.