
Via Cantonale
mon09:00 - 19:00
tue09:00 - 19:00
wed09:00 - 19:00
thu09:00 - 21:00
fri09:00 - 19:00
sat09:00 - 18:30
All information on the opening hours listed here are without guarantee. In particular, special opening hours and opening hours on public holidays may not be stored correctly. Therefore, please always check the current opening hours on the official website of the provider.

About Arcaplanet

At Arcaplanet in Grancia you will find an extensive range and the best selection of products for your pet. Our pet specialists offer excellent support in choosing the right products. In addition, there are many offers that always allow you to shop at a great price. In all Arcaplanet Pet Stores your pets are always welcome.


On this map you can see the exact location of the Arcaplanet store on Via Cantonale in 6916 Grancia. For general inquiries about the store or its hours of operation, please contact the store directly.

Via Cantonale, 6916 Grancia

Shopping centers

Here you can see in which shopping center the store Arcaplanet located.

Centro Lugano Sud

Via Cantonale
6916 Grancia

Store chains

This store belongs to a chain of stores, which operates several stores in different locations in Switzerland. Here you can see to which chain the Arcaplanet store belongs. Click on the chain to find all Arcaplanet stores.

Other stores near the Arcaplanet store

Not the right store? Here we show you other shopping opportunities which are close to Arcaplanet store. Browse our list of other stores to find a suitable store near Grancia.

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Shopping centers near the store Arcaplanet

These shopping malls and shopping centers are located in the vicinity of Arcaplanet store. Browse here the list of all the shopping centers near the Arcaplanet store in Grancia.

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Rate and join the discussion

How do you like the Arcaplanet, Via Cantonale, 6916 Grancia store? Rate the Arcaplanet store here on or talk to other people about the Arcaplanet store. Post your opinion here or write useful information and tips for other customers.

Rate the store fairly! If you have problems with an order, delivery or a purchased product, please contact the Arcaplanet store customer service directly first to solve the problems. Please post your honest review of the Arcaplanet store only if you know it yourself. Criticism may be made, but please remain fair, friendly and constructive at all times! Thank you and Happy Shopping ☼

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The entry "Arcaplanet, Via Cantonale, 6916 Grancia" was last updated on 10. February 2022.