
About Amavita

With over 179 branches, you benefit from the largest pharmacy network in Switzerland at Amavita. Between Geneva and St. Gallen, we are the strong partner for your health and beauty. We combine the advantages of a local, personal pharmacy with the benefits of a strong group of companies. Because the Amavita pharmacies of GaleniCare Ltd. are part of the Galenica Group. With us you will find both holistic expertise and the necessary empathy for your individual wishes and requirements. And this for the whole family. We offer a perfumery in around half of our pharmacy. Whether skin and hair care, make-up or fragrances: you benefit from our comprehensive beauty range, from luxury to natural cosmetics brands. In addition, the new products and latest trends are waiting to be discovered by you. We look forward to your visit. Amavita - your experts for health and beauty.

Map of all stores from Amavita

Here you can find a map with all 189 stores that belong to the Amavita store chain. Click on the location of a store on the map to learn more about that store.

All stores of the Amavita store chain in Switzerland

The store chain Amavita operates several stores in different locations in Switzerland. Here you can find a list of all stores that belong to the Amavita chain. Click on a store to learn more about it.

Stores of the store chain Amavita loading...

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The entry "Amavita" was last updated on 21. November 2021.