HORNBACH is the lifeblood of everyone who likes to get stuck in, create something new or improve something old. And where there's a strong will, there's a DIY store. Every day, all employees at HORNBACH Switzerland pull together - in the DIY stores with garden centers and in our online shop. We stand by people in their home and garden projects. That's why HORNBACH is still the No. 1 when it comes to projects! Whether it's professional advice or permanently low prices for every project? HORNBACH Switzerland supports you online or in the store. We offer you many top services and unbeatable advantages for your project. The countless HORNBACH options range from online ordering with convenient home delivery, to our tradesman service, to trailer and transport hire.

Map of all stores from HORNBACH

Here you can find a map with all 7 stores that belong to the HORNBACH store chain. Click on the location of a store on the map to learn more about that store.

All stores of the HORNBACH store chain in Switzerland

The store chain HORNBACH operates several stores in different locations in Switzerland. Here you can find a list of all stores that belong to the HORNBACH chain. Click on a store to learn more about it.

Stores of the store chain HORNBACH loading...

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How do you like the store chain HORNBACH? Rate here on Shoppingtotal.ch the department store chain HORNBACH or talk to other people about the store chain HORNBACH. Post your opinion here or write useful information and tips for other customers.

Rate the store chain fairly! If you have problems with an order, delivery or a purchased product, please first contact the HORNBACH store chain customer service directly to resolve the issues. Please post your honest review of the HORNBACH store chain only if you know it yourself. Criticism may be made, but please remain fair, friendly and constructive at all times! Thank you and Happy Shopping ☼

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The entry "HORNBACH" was last updated on 21. November 2021.