Do you have questions about Shopping Total?

We are pleased that you want to get in touch with us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Shopping Total and the advertising opportunities on our Swiss shopping platform.

Add a new store or online store

Please use the following form if you want to report a new store or online store to us.

Report an error

If you would like to report an error, please use the “Report Error” function directly at the corresponding detailed entry of the store, online store or shopping center for which you would like to inform us about a correction of the entry. Thank you for helping to keep Shopping Total up to date 🙂

Questions about a store, online store or shopping center Please understand, we cannot answer questions about the stores, online stores or shopping malls located here on our shopping platform. If you have any questions, please always contact the customer service of the store, online store or shopping mall directly.

Questions about Shopping Total or advertising opportunities

Contact us using the form below with your concerns about shopping in Switzerland and Liechtenstein or questions about your advertising opportunities on our shopping platform.

Contact form

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