
About Müller

One company - millions of satisfied customers - over 800 branches - represented in 7 countries!

We attach great importance to a dense branch network to guarantee short distances for our customers to the branches, even internationally. We strive to be even closer to our customers and therefore focus on expansion. Müller's growth began in Germany:

As early as 1968, the company decided to optimally serve the needs of the market and the people not only in its immediate vicinity. Today, the result is a dense network of branches in large parts of Germany and in 6 other European countries.

When Müller was founded in 1953, it was certainly not foreseeable that this would be the birth of one of the most interesting companies in the German retail trade. Today, we offer our customers shopping experiences with atmosphere in more than 800 stores. With new openings in the double-digit range every year, Müller is steadily gaining ground for a healthy and continuous development of the company at home and abroad. The secret of this success is quite simple: Large assortment, Friendly service, Fair advice, Reasonable prices

Map of all stores from Müller

Here you can find a map with all 59 stores that belong to the Müller store chain. Click on the location of a store on the map to learn more about that store.

All stores of the Müller store chain in Switzerland

The store chain Müller operates several stores in different locations in Switzerland. Here you can find a list of all stores that belong to the Müller chain. Click on a store to learn more about it.

Stores of the store chain Müller loading...

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Rate the store chain fairly! If you have problems with an order, delivery or a purchased product, please first contact the Müller store chain customer service directly to resolve the issues. Please post your honest review of the Müller store chain only if you know it yourself. Criticism may be made, but please remain fair, friendly and constructive at all times! Thank you and Happy Shopping ☼

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The entry "Müller" was last updated on 21. November 2021.