Shopping in Switzerland
Shoppingtotal - All shopping malls, shopping centers, online stores and other shopping opportunities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
On Shoppingtotal you will find the perfect place to shop in Switzerland. Whether you’re looking for a small and quiet shopping opportunity or a vibrant shopping center, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for here on Shopping Total. Here on you will find products, stores, shopping centers and online stores from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Search and find your favorite shopping opportunity in your town, in your canton or in the area where you are currently located. Whether it’s a DIY store, grocery store, department store, furniture store, consumer electronics or fashion & accessories, you can discover all this and much more here. Start your adventure with us now and find new favorite places to shop in Switzerland. Have fun, your Shopping Total team.
Regional shopping in local stores
Support the local businesses in your area
Local businesses need the support of their customers to thrive. Our Regional Shopping Initiative supports communities in promoting local shopping. By shopping locally, customers help create a vibrant and thriving economy that benefits everyone in the region. It also allows customers to support their favorite stores while getting good value for their money.
Other advantages of regional shopping are that transportation distances are shortened, which reduces the environmental impact of transport. In addition, you often get better quality products as they come directly from the region. Finally, buying locally can help to support the local economy and create jobs in the region. Buying local also helps build relationships with local businesses and creates a sense of community.
Top industries and sectors
- Advertising & Printing (17)
- Bakery & Confectionery (629)
- Bijouterie & Gifts (372)
- Books & Magazines (124)
- Carnival & Party (1)
- Child & Baby (188)
- Computers & Electrical Appliances (786)
- Craft & Art (181)
- Fashion & Accessories (2877)
- Food & Retail (4584)
- Furniture & Furnishings (408)
- Garden & DIY (666)
- Health & Beauty (516)
- Household & Living (295)
- Luxury food (334)
- Office & Stationery (434)
- Other (44)
- Partnership & Sex (38)
- Pet Supplies (204)
- Pharmacy & Drugstore (1506)
- Sports & Recreation (710)
- Toys & Games (136)
- Watches & Jewellery (324)
- Weapons & Ammunition (5)
Popular online stores
Not everyone can enjoy a day at the mall or shopping center. Quite a few of us prefer Swiss online stores for shopping for everyday necessities, electronics or luxury goods. Here on Shoppingtotal we present you the most popular online stores in Switzerland, browse through our list of online stores by category or start a search for Swiss online stores via the navigation.
Our blog about shopping in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
In our blog you will find exciting, interesting and informative articles about shopping in Switzerland. We cover various topics relating to shopping in Switzerland. You will find out where the best shopping centers are located and which stores have a special range. We also introduce you to new trends and give you tips on how to save money. Check our blog regularly and don’t miss out on any important information about shopping in Switzerland!
Top shopping regions in Switzerland
Popular shopping malls / shopping centers
Switzerland is a real shopping paradise not only for tourists, but also for locals. Numerous large shopping centers promise to offer you the best shopping experience. Here in this list you will find some popular shopping centers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Perhaps you will find your own new shopping paradise here?
Popular Swiss chain stores
Here on Shoppingtotal you will find a list of popular chain stores from Switzerland. If you want to shop in established and well-known stores, you are sure to find the right store here. If, on the other hand, you are looking for a small, charming and unique store, you are better off using our search function.