About drogi.ch
Shopping at home:
You have been busy all day and did not manage to get the care items for your family? You lack the strength to leave the house for everyday errands? No problem - with drogi this is also possible online! With just a few clicks, you can conveniently put together your purchase on your desktop computer, notebook, tablet or smartphone - it couldn't be easier!
Independent of place and time:
Whether you are a man, woman, child or pet: In your online drugstore drogi you will discover everything about beauty, health and care - around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Browse through our extensive range at your leisure, far away from prescribed opening hours - without any time pressure and whenever it suits you.
Competent advice online too:
You can't make up your mind, have a question about a product or want to know how one of the over-the-counter medicines works? No problem - at drogi we advise you not only in our drugstore on site, but also online. Just pick up the phone or send us an e-mail! We will be happy to help you with all your questions. Because especially when it comes to nutrition, weight loss or health problems, then expert advice is really in demand and required.
Flexible payment:
In your online drugstore from Switzerland, your needs are at the center - not only in terms of product selection and advice, but also in payment. In the drogi online shop, you pay the way that suits you best. Be it by credit card, Twint, PayPal, cash in advance or on account. At the end of the ordering process, simply select your preferred payment method.
Fast delivery:
Long waiting times for your ordered goods - not at drogi! We usually ship orders within 24 hours, so your goods will reach you as soon as possible. It is even faster with the shipping option A-Post (Prioritaire): If you order before 11:30 a.m., you will receive the desired products from your online drugstore already the next morning, except on Saturdays, because the post office does not deliver packages on this day.
Photos from the drogi.ch Online Shop
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Products of the online store drogi.ch
Here you can see a selection of products that you can buy in the online store drogi.ch.
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