About Weltbild
Books, DVDs, CDs - good entertainment!Whether current bestsellers or the classics of world literature: Weltbild offers you a large selection of books in all genres, from new releases to inexpensive paperbacks. As a co-founder of the tolino alliance, Weltbild is also one of the leading providers of eBooks. Audio books are available on CD or as downloads, as well as music CDs ranging from oldies to the latest charts, films on DVD and Blu-ray from cult films to Hollywood blockbusters and the latest TV series: At Weltbild you will find multimedia entertainment at the highest level!
Practical & Deco for Home and Garden
From highlights from TV commercials to the latest decoration ideas for indoors and outdoors: carefully selected by experienced trend scouts. Practical household helpers and fashionable accessories can be found at Weltbild as well as trendy design ideas for the terrace or for seasonally coordinated decoration of your home. You can also conveniently order gifts online for any occasion, from birthdays to weddings to anniversaries. Just browse around - or play it safe with the Weltbild gift card, which can be used to make purchases in all Weltbild online shops and all Weltbild branches.
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