
About microspot.ch

microspot.ch is the online shopping centre of the Coop Group and, in addition to home and consumer electronics, offers an extensive range of products from the areas of living, toys, beauty, jewellery, office, garden, sport and much more.

In the past year, the online shop has undergone a transformation and established itself as one of the most important Swiss online shops for non-food products from a pure home and consumer electronics provider. The products are offered from the company's own central warehouse as well as through cooperations with selected Coop formats and other wholesalers and third-party retailers. Orders can be delivered to the customer's home or collected from one of the approximately 500 central pick-up stations.

microspot.ch impresses with fast delivery, comprehensive services and a range of products that offer customers added value for everyday life and leisure. Individual items are on display in the two showrooms in Moosseedorf and at Zurich main station and can be ordered directly on site.

Photos from the microspot.ch Online Shop

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Products of the online store microspot.ch

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The entry "microspot.ch" was last updated on 21. November 2021.