

About Conforama

Present in Switzerland since 1976, Conforama is a major player in the home furnishing sector. Our brand enables as many people as possible to enjoy comfort at home, according to their tastes and at the best price.

Conforama has built its reputation by developing the individual and collective skills of all its employees, as well as a culture, values and commitments shared by all.

More than 1,000 employees work hard every day to welcome the millions of customers who come to our stores every year. Our 22 stores are spread across Switzerland's three language regions, offering consumers local access.

With a wide range of furniture and decorative items, as well as household appliances and consumer electronics, we offer our customers the opportunity to find everything they need for their home, from A to Z, under one roof.

Map of all stores from Conforama

Here you can find a map with all 22 stores that belong to the Conforama store chain. Click on the location of a store on the map to learn more about that store.

All stores of the Conforama store chain in Switzerland

The store chain Conforama operates several stores in different locations in Switzerland. Here you can find a list of all stores that belong to the Conforama chain. Click on a store to learn more about it.

Stores of the store chain Conforama loading...

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Rate the store chain fairly! If you have problems with an order, delivery or a purchased product, please first contact the Conforama store chain customer service directly to resolve the issues. Please post your honest review of the Conforama store chain only if you know it yourself. Criticism may be made, but please remain fair, friendly and constructive at all times! Thank you and Happy Shopping ☼

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The entry "Conforama" was last updated on 21. November 2021.